Membuat wpap online
Membuat wpap online

Seni visual berbasis pada wajah, menjadi ciri khas yang kuat pada WPAP. Satu dekade berikutnya, WPAP menjadi bagian dari seni visual di Indonesia, digunakan oleh banyak desainer milenial, dinaungi oleh komunitas chapter yang ada di wilayah-wilayah chapter Jakarta, chapter Jogjakarta, chapter Surabaya, dll.

membuat wpap online

Wedha's Pop Art Portrait (WPAP) menjadi salah satu seni visual yang banyak digemari sejak Wedha Abdul Rasyid memutuskan gaya ini pada tahun 2010. The art form in WPAP has characteristics in color and line drawing.īentuk Seni dari Wedha’s Pop Art Portrait (WPAP) The makers of WPAP in the WPAP community also have an art form in WPAP that is the same in pattern, because it is based on WPAP that was initiated by Wedha at the beginning of its appearance. Wedha had a past that grapples with artwork making illustrations, making magazine covers, making comics, and so on. The art form in WPAP has almost the same characteristics as Wedha's work in the early appearance of WPAP. The analysis is using an analysis of interactions between members of the WPAP community in several chapters which already have a "chapter" community. Through descriptive-analytic, an explanation of the art form in WPAP according to the Wedha’s experience is presented in this paper.

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This paper tries to define the existing art in WPAP, with the formulation of the problem: what is the art form in WPAP in Indonesia? The formal approach to art is an important part of knowing art in WPAP. Therefore, the art form in WPAP tends to follow market trends. Economic motives became the biggest influence on the change in orientation from WPAP art to commodity. Only a few have achieved the WPAP form in accordance with the art form that Wedha first brought up. Visual arts-based on faces is a strong characteristic of WPAP.

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A decade later, WPAP became part of visual arts in Indonesia, used by many millennial designers, sheltered by the chapter community in regions Jakarta chapter, Jogjakarta chapter, Surabaya chapter, etc. Wedha's Pop Art Portrait (WPAP) has become one of the most popular visual arts in Indonesia since Wedha Abdul Rasyid decided on this style in 2010.

Membuat wpap online